So tired of political posts!

I am so ready for Election Day to come and go and even then we can only hope the loser is gracious and there is not accusations about voter fraud or miscounting. Because I don't think I can take much more without resulting to drinking everyday. Because everybody, their mama, and the their grandma has an opinion about this election. And this is how I feel about it: Dislike button anyone? … [Read more...]

Because I am not very fond of election time

I made this e-card displaying how opinions of people you thought you shared similar views with can change at election time: The fun part is that I do not go around spouting my views so friends on both sides of the political spectrum will be wondering if I am talking about them. … [Read more...]

Admittedly I am OCD about two things groceries and laundry…..

I am not a neat freak by any means for example I thrive on last minute deadlines and the random stacks of paper and books surrounding my laptop on my desk. It is also my twisted way of organizing because I can tell you exactly which stack has my electricity bill stuffed in it or the 1099s I need to file my taxes. Someone else will not know but I know. And since it is my space that is all that … [Read more...]

When your kid is faking?

So this week I wrote about my Monday morning from hell and how during it all my oldest son was sick. Well that morning when we nearly to school my oldest started saying he was sick and I took him to my mother's house to go to the restroom while we went ahead to take the youngest to school. Well throughout the day he seemed somewhat sick but didn't have anymore bouts of diarrhea. We did baby him … [Read more...]

Curiosity is an evil thing

Curiosity can be bad and I wish I could take back what I did or possibly sue someone for getting my time back. So where this started was I was browsing on Netflix and happened to see the train wreck known as Jersey Shore on instant queue. Admittedly I am probably the last person in the country to watch this show. I am very glad that I am. I cannot figure out how this show has lasted this … [Read more...]