Thanksgiving Turkey Themed Deserts and Foods Roundup

1. Turkey Rice Crispy Treats 2. Turkey Cake 3. Turkey Cupcakes 4. Turkey Candies 5. Candy Turkeys 6. Turkey Sandwiches 7. Turkey Cookies 8. Turkey Cupcakes 9. Turkey Cookies … [Read more...]

Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches – Recipe

Recently I have been on a roll with you using my slow cooker, I think it is honestly one of my favorite things to use in the kitchen. Mostly because it is so easy and there really isn't a whole lot of work to it. The most recent dish that I have tried in the slow cooker are Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches. They were really easy to make and the kids adored them, meaning they weren't too spicy for … [Read more...]

Chicken Enchilada Recipe

When I make enchiladas I usually make them with beef, but recently my sister got me to try Chicken Enchiladas that she had made recently. I loved them and so I decided that I would have to try and make some of my own. Making beef enchiladas is easy and making them with chicken is actually just as easy. The recipe that she gave me to make them is so simple that someone who can't cook could make … [Read more...]

Taco Soup Recipe

I will be honest when I first heard about this recipe from my friend Christina, I was very skeptical. In my head Taco and Soup just did not go together. I relented though and decided to give it a go. The ingredients for taco soup, had a few things in the beginning that while my kids and their dad eat I absolutely refuse to eat. They included corn and kidney beans. So that left me with a pretty … [Read more...]

Skillet Beef and Broccoli Recipe

The family and I recently tried this recipe. And honestly I was quite impressed with it. I was honestly partly afraid of how it would taste because while cooking the smell of broccoli over powered everything. It was really good and tasty and the family loved it. Print Skillet Beef and Broccoli Recipe Recipe type: Main Prep time:  5 mins Cook time:  20 mins Total … [Read more...]

Coming Soon!

I am trying to get everything in order to launch my all new Mom Blog. So look for it to launch soon! … [Read more...]