Book Charm Tutorial – #bookswag #swag #author #books #tutorial

So this last weekend I was an exhibitor at UtopYA(UtopiaCon) con in Nashville, TN. While there I met a lot of awesome people, sold some book and of course gave out some swag. I had book marks, cards and candy, but the most popular thing that I had were book charms. My sister and I had made the book charms ourselves so I decided to put together this tutorial to show you guys how you can make … [Read more...]

Vanilla Brown Sugar Body Scrub – Homemade Recipe

This Vanilla Brown Sugar Body Scrub is a GREAT homemade, cheap thing to make if you have a bit too many people you want to give a gift to this Holiday Season! It only requires 4 simple, everyday ingredients that you can find right inside your kitchen! This is great for exfoliating your body, the dead skin will be falling off! Not to mention, it smells DELICIOUS! So let's get started on how to make … [Read more...]

Well I made another…..

Scarf. I promise I am working on my knitting and am getting some mad knitting skills but of course you make one scarf you have to make one for both kids and all three cats and the two dogs. That is a lot of scarf making going on. Anyway here is the one that I made Wes and he absolutely loves it and so does the kitty. So much so that he curled up in and slept after I got this picture of him in … [Read more...]

I am so learning to knit!

Well on a knitting board because with actual needles I think I might be a little dangerous. So it may be considered light weight knitting but it is still crazy fun. So far I have made a scarf and while it is not perfect and probably looks like something a toddler would do. I am exaggerating some but I have already started a second scarf for my son and it is going a lot better since I have gotten … [Read more...]