Couch to 5k Week 1

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Recently I have decided to work on different fitness goals, and yes I know just like everyone else it is still the beginning of the year and I am making the decision to up my fitness game. But honestly for me this isn’t a New Years Resolution that I am going to forget about by April. No, this is something that I want, that I have to have and am making plans for. I am starting this process with goals in mind.

A woman running on the beach in silhouette at sunrise.

My Fitness Goals

  1. To run a 5k without feeling like I am going to die.
  2. Run a 10k
  3. Run a half-marathon
  4. Go for the big one and run a marathon.

I know goal number five seems sort of lofty for someone just starting out, but I can do it. I started roller derby in September 2014 and wanted to roster and play competitively within a year. I did it in eight months. And I am still playing, it is an addictive sport that is hard to let go of.

Now those goals above are my running goals, overall I want to feel healthy and be in better shape than I was when I was 20.

Now here are a few things that I am not going to worry about:

  1. My weight, I absolutely refuse to weigh myself and worry about it.
  2. My size, I am going to choose not to dwell on it. If my clothes become looser and fit better then heck yeah, that makes me happy. But that is not my goal.

What will I be worrying about?

  1. How I feel after a run.
  2. My breathing while I run.
  3. Was I able to run that without stopping and did make sure that I was breathing correctly the whole time? (Breathing has always been a struggle for me when I run.)

So I decided that to accomplish these goals I was going to start with a plan and a goal in mind. I started using one of the Couch to 5k apps, to knock out my first goal. I survived and was only a bit sore because my legs hadn’t been used to running in a while. I am sure though in the weeks to come, that my breathing and lungs will be tested while I build up to running a 5k straight at one time.

Did any of you make any fitness goals for this year? And what are you doing to make sure you are accomplishing them?

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