When your kid is faking?

So this week I wrote about my Monday morning from hell and how during it all my oldest son was sick. Well that morning when we nearly to school my oldest started saying he was sick and I took him to my mother's house to go to the restroom while we went ahead to take the youngest to school. Well throughout the day he seemed somewhat sick but didn't have anymore bouts of diarrhea. We did baby him … [Read more...]

I vote for no more Mondays!

I think it is time we all start a petition to vote Mondays out and erase them and just forget about them altogether. Because today has not been the best Monday. And while I know it could have been worse and there are people who have it worse, it was just a rotten day all around. I will just make a list of everything that happened before 9 a.m. that just made it suck: We woke up with no … [Read more...]