Unique Gifts for a New Mom-To-Be

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An invitation to a baby shower arrives in the mail, heralding the anticipated arrival of a new person in your friend’s life. Gift registries are a booming business and can be an easy way to find the perfect gift, but what do you do when all the things your friend has chosen have already been purchased? Here are several ideas for unique baby gifts.


Your favorite children’s story may not spring to mind when you are shopping for a newborn who won’t know how to read for a few years. It’s never too early to introduce children, however young, to the power of the written word. Reading aloud to infants has many benefits, including the introduction of basic communication skills and facilitation of bonding with the baby. Cloth or board books have the added tactile benefit of being sturdy enough to withstand being handled by very young children.


Most new moms are astounded at how many clothes their newborns go through. Between diaper mishaps and dribbles from feedings, it is unusual for a new baby to stay in the same outfit all day. Clothes make a great gift, and the choices are practically endless. If you know your friend has a favorite team, for example, you can buy a football or baseball onesie. You can purchase multiple items, and you can usually find things like socks and tees in bulk packages.


Cuddling is a big part of forming healthy attachments early in life, and a comfy blanket enhances the experience for both the child and the parent. Choose a soft blanket that matches the themes or colors you see in the linens in the registry. If you sew, knit or crochet, you can make a one-of-a-kind gift to share.

Gift Baskets

A creative way to use a seemingly exhausted registry is to create a gift basket. Take note of the products that your friend will need to buy frequently, such as baby oil, lotion, diaper cream or shampoo, and buy extras. Buy a selection of products and wrap them together.


When you can’t think of anything else to get a new mom, you know you can’t go wrong with diapers. Even if your friend is planning on using cloth diapers, she will likely find it handy to have a collection of disposable ones she can use during public outings or on trips.

If your friend’s baby registry doesn’t have a lot left to buy, don’t panic. You can easily come up with a unique gift that the new mom can use.

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